About WHS

Facts to know about Woodbury High SchoolThe Royal Rouser (School Song)
Year Built:1975

On you Royals, on to Victory
Win that game, come on let's go
With a bang let's let them know
That we're the Royals gang  and
We'll win a vict'ry here tonight.
On you Royals, hit them hard and low
For the glory of our name let's fight
Let's go! Team! Win! Team!
For the Royals Blue and White
Rah!  Rah!  Yea!  Royals!
Rah!  Rah!  Fight!
W-O-O-D-B-U-R-Y . . . Woodbury!  Woodbury!
First Graduation:June 1976
School Colors:Royal Blue and White
Mascot:"Roar" the Lion, Royal Monarch of the Jungle
(See pictures below of Roar over the years!)
Conference:Suburban East Conference
Formerly St. Paul Suburban until 2001-02 school year.
School Song:Composed uniquely for Woodbury High School by
Dr. Frank Bencruscuito, then Director of the University of Minnesota Marching Band and friend of WHS Band Director Duane Tannahill.
School built on:Undeveloped farmland (see picture below)